
Hombre de Miami que escondió 22,6 millones de dólares en efectivo en cubos de Home Depot enfrenta cargos federales

Miami man who hid $22.6 million cash in Home Depot buckets faces federal charges The man found with $22.6 million in suspected marijuana cash stuffed in buckets inside his Miami Lakes home wants to start his trial in state court next month. Uncle Sam, however, wants him first. A federal grand jury has indicted Luis… Seguir leyendo Miami man who hid $22.6 million cash in Home Depot buckets faces federal charges

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Los 22 millones de dólares en efectivo escondidos en cubos son legítimos, dicen los abogados defensores

$22 million cash hidden in buckets is all legit, defense lawyers say The Miami Lakes man who had $22.6 million cash stuffed in buckets inside a secret room says the money is all legit — earned from sales of equipment to legal marijuana growers in other states. Lawyers for Luis Hernandez-Gonzalez offered their defense in… Seguir leyendo $22 million cash hidden in buckets is all legit, defense lawyers say

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Un hombre de Florida enfrenta cargos por atraco a un camión que se dirigía a Mass.

Fla. man faces charges in heist from truck headed for Mass. A Florida man orchestrated the heist of gold bars worth millions of dollars from a tractor trailer headed to Massachusetts last year by hatching an elaborate plan to force the crew to pull over in North Carolina, authorities said in court papers. The allegations… Seguir leyendo Fla. man faces charges in heist from truck headed for Mass.

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